
SSHH 1.0

Mr/Dr Soderbergh @ 2013-12-08

Introducing the SSHH 1.0: the Steven Soderbergh Hand Held app! Ever wonder how SS gets just the right amount of movement in those handheld shots? You know, enough to see it’s hand held but not so much you become annoyed? Well, no need to wonder anymore—the SSHH 1.0 can give you the EXACT SAME MOVEMENT! New tracking technology enabled us to analyze a wide variety of hand held shots operated by Mr/Dr Soderbergh and then create a plug-in so you can overlay the movement onto YOUR shots. Think about it: as his career fades, someone is going to have to take his place, so why shouldn’t it be you? 

Here are some of the effects the app re-creates:

  •  18mm off the knee, cradling, and on the shoulder
  • 35mm off the knee, cradling, and on the shoulder
  • 35mm walking behind someone
  • 35mm tracking on dolly with camera on sandbag instead head
  • 85mm off the knee and shoulder
  • 150mm off the knee, shoulder, and sandbag on the ground

 Take your footage shot off a tripod and transform it instantly into arty, award-winning material! And it’s free! Try it now and let the accolades pour in!