The two, six-episode seasons of FALLEN ANGELS aired on Showtime in 1993 and 1995. I directed one episode per season (THE QUIET ROOM and PROFESSIONAL MAN), and had a total blast; being able to recreate late 40s Los Angeles AND tell stories that were absolutely NOT about hope…it felt like the best kind of green light imaginable. The series attracted excellent talent in front of and behind the camera (I worked with number of actors I’d always admired, and the crew was made up of many established and rising stars) and I recall everyone I came into contact with being excited about the job and eager to do it well. Despite the brisk pace (30 pages in five days) I don’t remember feeling rushed or compromised in any way, and of course I continue to dine out on my TWO Cable ACE nominations. One note, besides the crummy VHS quality: please forgive the lack of credits over the boiling eggs shot at the head of THE QUIET ROOM…the only copy I have wasn’t the finished version.
Whether the original film elements still exist is an open question (we shot 35mm, transferred cut negative to tape, and finished on tape—1” videotape, as I recall. Yikes), and at the very least I’m hoping Showtime or Propaganda still have some masters of some kind somewhere.
Regarding the legality of this (free) posting, I will happily take it down the instant better quality versions appear or Showtime/Propaganda announce an upcoming release.